AMAZON FBA service
  • Tiếng Việt
  • American
  • Carting

    AMAZON FBA service

    In the 4.0 era, E-commerce has become an inevitable global trend. In which, Amazon is considered to be the largest channel with coverage in many countries.

    Giá cước:

    20.000.000 đ
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    In the 4.0 era, E-commerce has become an inevitable global trend. In which, Amazon is considered to be the largest channel with coverage in many countries. Currently, Amazon is focusing on developing a network of sellers in Vietnam with the establishment of an Amazon Global selling Vietnam office and a team of experienced support staff.

    The company is now one of the leading partners of Amazon Global selling Vietnam, providing sea freight packages to Vietnamese sellers to some countries such as the US, Canada, and UK. Our goal is to support maximum benefit for sellers.

    Our services include:

    Sea freight services by whole containers, odd cargoes from ports of Vietnam

    Customs declaration services in Vietnam and other countries

    Domestic transportation services in Vietnam

    FBA packaging and labeling services in Vietnam and other countries

    Sea freight service from Vietnam to FBA warehouses in the US, Canada, UK

    Warehouse service

    The advantage of sea shipping is that it can transport large quantities of goods with maximum savings. So when should customers use our shipping services:

    When the cargo is bulky

    When the freight is heavy

    When you have steady sales on Amazon for certain items

    The company with a large staff of people ready to consult free of charge legal paperwork, the most suitable shipping method.

    DANH MỤC sản phẩm

